Debate at Group Scolaire Gatagara

Now we are in Group Scolaire Gatagara , located in Huye District (South Province), they have media club with 14 members. Some of their objectives are doing research in order to give the complete news to their colleagues; they also prepare to write a magazine but still in process not yet decided.
The debate is one of the activities that are used by Ejo youth Echo( EYE) to give an opportunity to young people to discuss about some topics in order to realize their contributions in promoting culture of peace. Now we are in Group Scolaire Gatagara , located in Huye District (South Province), they have media club with 14 members. Some of their objectives are doing research in order to give the complete news to their colleagues; they also prepare to write a magazine but still in process not yet decided.
The debate is one of the activities that are used by Ejo youth Echo( EYE) to give an opportunity to young people to discuss about some topics in order to realize their contributions in promoting culture of peace. Now we are in Group Scolaire Gatagara , located in Huye District (South Province), they have media club with 14 members. Some of their objectives are doing research in order to give the complete news to their colleagues; they also prepare to write a magazine but still in process not yet decided.
Here the subject which students are discussing on<< Promoting peace is for only the politicians not the citizen, means politicians are responsible to promote peace and citizen are not >>. Seven students Oppose and other propose. Each group chooses three representatives
Propose said “yes the politicians are the only responsible to promote peace, the reason why? It’s because they have power and money. Example in 1994 government has prepared genocide and citizens put it into practice. Citizens follow what government says. Without the responsibility of politicians we can’t promote peace”
Oppose said “No the politicians are not the only responsible to promote peace, youth too are responsible as citizen of country. How can you say only politician yet you are in democratic country? As we know Youth play a big role to build world .let take a simple example Burundian youth refuse bad government even if they don’t have money but still remember that they are responsible too? So politicians are not the only responsible because everyone is responsible”
After debating they are some of them who changed their mind then Seven students still oppose, no one propose and thirteen said that politicians and citizen together are responsible to promote peace